Bringing it all Together

Using the LED as Comfort Temperature Indicator

You have learned the following:

  • Lighting and wiring RGB LEDs.
  • Using a temperature sensor.
  • Implementing User Input

Build a program that indicates temperatures around your personal comfort temperature with different light colors.

An example of this implementation can be found here:

What is the temperature where you feel most comfortable? Define a spectrum spanning 2 Degrees (°C) that you feel most comfortable at. Temperatures up to two degrees above and below that interval are acceptable, temperatures outside this range of six degrees are too hot or too cold. Assign a signal color for each zone. Feel free to adapt the ranges.

✅ Integrate this behavior of the LED into the last program.

You have written a lot of code in one file. This makes everything overwhelming and hard to reuse code. Let's refactor by putting code we're likely to reuse in modules.

✅ Inside src/ create a new folder with the name dk_button.

✅ Inside dk_button create a file with the name

✅ Move the struct Button definition and its impl block from src/bin/thermometer to dk_button/

✅ Bring all necessary modules into scope.

✅ Add pub in front of every method and every struct or enum definition, to make them accessible from other files.

✅ In scr/ add the following line, to export this module:

fn main() {
pub mod dk_button;

✅ In src/bin/comfy_temp_indicator, bring the dk_button module into scope:

fn main() {
use knurling_session_20q4::{

✅ Change the line, where the static method for instantiating the button is called, so that the method is called from the dk_button module:

fn main() {
let mut button_1 = dk_button::Button::new(pins.p0_11.degrade());

✅ Create a module rgb_led for the LED related code and a module number_representations for the unit conversions in the same way. It makes sense, that the method for unit conversion is changed to only taking a reference to temperature, because ownership is not needed.